To learn how to embody wholeness takes time and attention.
The practice of presence in this era of digital distraction is a true commitment. It takes some re-prioritizing of what matters.
The practice of attending to postural balance calls for deepening felt sensation. It takes uncovering unconscious patterns of movement, posture and breath.
The practice of pleasure may seem frivolous until you understand how your nervous system works. It takes allowing a lightness of being into your life.
If practicing long slow exhales helps you not go down the digital rabbit hole, it’s worth it.
If tuning into your subtle sensations helps you not be in pain, it’s worth it.
If opening your spatial awareness helps you move with more ease and less tightness, it’s worth it.
Every person is different. Every person comes with their unique life situation, past history, mental health, physical condition, particular injuries, emotional tendencies, subconscious biases, ways of learning, goals and desires.
So everyone's learning will vary and Constance teaches the practices that seem most supportive to each person.
The principles are the same, but the way we each get to them varies. That's why the one-to-one lessons are the most beneficial, and why Constance's online classes are small.
There is no one-size-fits-all.
Book a free 15 minute consult: 510-219-5097
With long-term study of many embodiment modalities, and the deep dive into the "grandfather of somatics," the Alexander Technique, Constance can nurture your learning with a truly fun and a truly deep process.